Kyuk'ya system

Xi'an binary system
(Redirected from Indra system)
Kyuk'ya system
System TypeBinary
Size31 AU
Star TypeMain Sequence Dwarf-A, White Dwarf Degenerate-A
Asteroid Belts1
Discovered in2531, 2793 (between)
Historical NamesIndra
Jump Points4

The Kyuk'ya system ( Xi'an: 9kyu0kya2(Kyuk'ya) (Proper); )[1] - a binary star system on the border of Human and Xi'an space, is a former Perry Line system that went by the name Indra during the Xi'an Cold War. The Xi'an have designated the system as a vibrant and diverse shipping hub where capital ships dock to unload cargo for transport deeper into Xi'an space. This free flow of trade has led to more relaxed security protocols than other Xi'an systems. It has also become a popular destination among Xi'an youth looking to experience Human culture without fully venturing into UEE territory.

Gravitational governors

Kyuk'ya A

Kyuk'ya A is a Main Sequence Dwarf-A star.

Kyuk'ya B

Kyuk'ya B is a White Dwarf Degenerate-A star.


Kyuk'ya I

A ringed gas giant whose atmosphere of hydrogen and helium produces churning storms visible from space.

Kyuk'ya I's moon Kyuk'ya 1A is the system's only habitable body. The large orbital scaffolding array of Pyen'pui.a orbits this moon.

Kyuk'ya II

An ice planet that suffers from extreme seasons due to the planet's tilted axis.

Asteroid belts

The Kyuk'ya system contains one asteroid belt. Belt Alpha is located at the system's edge.

Known jump points


  1. Galactic Guide: Ail'ka. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link