CK13-GID seed blend

Agricultural supply
CK13-GID Seed Blend
TypeAgricultural supply
Occupancy1 cSCU
Production stateImplemented

CK13-GID seed is a commodity belonging to the class of agricultural supplies.


These genetically-modified barley seeds were banned because of their aggressive growth and high-levels of cross-pollination that has frequently ravaged any neighboring plant life. However, the plant's high yield and ease of growth have continued to make it a sought-after commodity.[1][2]

CK13-GID Seed Blends are a prohibited item in Crusader Industries and microTech space.


  1. Alpha 3.10.2 in-game description.
  2. In-game survey. Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2022-10-10