CorticoPen (Sterogen)

Supplies manufactured by CureLife
CorticoPen (Sterogen)
ManufacturerCureLife (CRLF)
TypeUtility item
Mass0.25 kg
Production stateIntroduced in Alpha 3.15

The CorticoPen is a disposable drug pen manufactured by CureLife. Injecting it reduces vision and hearing symptoms, normalizes stamina, and increases the Blood Drug Level of the person receiving the drug.

Product Description

"From the Empire's most trusted medical company, the CureLife CorticoPen can rapidly dispense doses of the corticosteroid Sterogen during emergency situations to help relieve symptoms associated with muscle weakness and respiratory damage. Use only as recommended."

See also


  1. Inside Star Citizen: Dealing with Healing. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2021-09-26