Defend Occupants

Mercenary mission from MT Protection Services
Provide Backup
Priority General
Type Mercenary
UEC Pay 15000
Start Location microTech AO
Mission Giver MT Protection Services
Faction MT Protection Services

The legal mission Defend Occupants tasks the player to go to a Security Post (Bunker) and help the MT Protection Service NPCs to clean-up the threatening group of Nine Tails (NPCs). Once the Security Post is cleaned-up, mission is complete and player has 15 minutes to leave the area. All crew members of a ship/vehicle must have the mission or else there is a risk of being targeted by defense turret(s). Harming any MT Protection Service NPCs leads to the failure of the mission for the whole party. There are usually 10 hostiles to clear and friendly NPCs will try to assist by killing some of them.

The mission is made available after completing the evaluation mission: Security Contractor Evaluation.

Allied Troop Equipment

Possible Enemy Equipment

Note: Any item marked as (Modified) has had it's color altered to a Nine Tails design/decals.




  • Custom Heavy Armor Set with Nine Tails decals
  • FS-9 LMG
  • Ammo for equipped weapon x2
  • Medpen


1. Defend Occupants

Spoiler content

2. Security Contractor Evaluation

Spoiler content