
(Redirected from Mankind)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Family Hominidae
Genus Homo
Species Sapiens
Sentient? Yes
Capital Earth (UEE, official)
Terra (UEE, potential secessionary)
Levski (People's Alliance of Levski)
Acheron (Charon III Civil War dispute)
Dellin (Charon III Civil War dispute)
Spider (Outlaw Alliance proposed capital)
Founded Civilization ~10,000 BCE
Language Numerous
Religion Numerous
Government United Empire of Earth
Other factions
Ruler Office of Imperator (UEE)
Currency UEC
Territories 37 claimed systems
6 Fair Chance Act protected systems
13 unclaimed systems
Habitat Moderate
Status Prosperous
Diet Omnivore

Humans (Homo sapiens, ssp. Homo sapiens sapiens) are an intelligent humanoid species in the Star Citizen universe.


The species originated from Earth, Sol.


Human will be the only player character option for Squadron 42. Other species are planned for Star Citizen but only human will be offered initially.


Relativistic effects and cryo-stasis not withstanding, the average lifespan of a human is around 130 earth years,[1] with approximately 140 years as a rough maximum.[2]

See also


  1. Dave Haddock in DragonCon Bar Citizen 2017: Q. Drake ex-CEO Jan Dredge was well over 100 years old before she left the position. Is this common, or is there a lore error? Dave says since the average life span is 130+ it is not uncommon to see high level executives working this long. It is similar to a current day CEO working into her 70's.
  2. Comm-Link:Writer's Guide - Part Four#Questions. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link