
This is the documentation page for Module:Graph

Function list
L 64 — numericArray
L 85 — stringArray
L 95 — isTable
L 97 — copy
L 107 —
L 270 — deserializeXData
L 293 — deserializeYData
L 327 — convertXYToManySeries
L 347 — convertXYToSingleSeries
L 361 — getXScale
L 393 — getYScale
L 419 — getColorScale
L 435 — getAlphaColorScale
L 457 — getLineScale
L 471 — getSymSizeScale
L 484 — getSymShapeScale
L 497 — getValueScale
L 508 — addInteractionToChartVisualisation
L 522 — getPieChartVisualisation
L 553 — getChartVisualisation
L 669 — getTextMarks
L 757 — getSymbolMarks
L 801 — getAnnoMarks
L 881 — getAxes
L 988 — getLegend
L 1020 — p.chart
L 1404 — p.mapWrapper
L 1408 — p.chartWrapper
L 1412 — p.chartDebuger
L 1420 — p.encodeTitleForPath

Module:Graph is a meta-module that provides various functions for making graphs. Please see the individual template pages for usage. For more information regarding the module, please refer to  Module:Graph.