"Talk about my kinda of crew; maniacs, all of 'em, but bloody good at their jobs. See, professional crews can't just be craaaaaazy, kiddos. They gotta be cunning and competent too."
Jester, B0otyCall[1]
Arina Heller and her husband (Victor Heller's father) are/were both members of the Screaming Galsons in the Tyrol system, they have over sixty counts of piracy, theft, assault and robbery between them. Arina was killed by a bounty hunter in early April, 2943.[2]
The Screaming Galsons also have a presence in the Odin system, where they sell ships with clean tags and overclocked components.[1]
The Screaming Galsons will be in chapter four of Squadron 42.[3]
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 B0otyCall: Paradise Lost. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
- ↑ News Update: Sins of the Father. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link
- ↑ Squadron 42 Monthly Report: February 2021