UEES Banshee

Decomissioned and destroyed UEEN Idris-class frigate

UEES Banshee
BranchNavy (formerly), Whitley's Guide
Vehicle ClassFrigate
ManufacturerAegis Dynamics
AppearancesWhitley's Guide
Other namesUEES McCleary, ИOTИATƧ ƧƎƎU

The UEES Banshee was an Idris-class Frigate formerly in service to the United Empire of Earth Navy. She was decommissioned some time before 2951, and later destroyed for entertainment purposes.[1]

The vessel was likely named for the Banshee system, in keeping with the tradition of naming UEEN Idris-class vessels after systems of the United Empire of Earth.


After decommissioning, the Banshee was used by the show Whitley's Guide to demonstrate the capabilities of the Ares Ion and Ares Inferno Starfighters from Crusader Industries, as part of their coverage of Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2951.[1]

Some graphics shown within the segment (see image below) refer to the vessel as the UEES McCleary. This is a reference to former host Jax McCleary, who had quit hosting the show following the previous episode.[2] The same graphics use a model of the UEES Stanton to represent the ship.

During the segment filmed in a classified location, Jimmy fired a number of small arms at the derelict ship, culminating in a round from a Nova tank. He then destroyed the ship with two blasts from an Ares Ion main weapon. He almost collided with part of the wreckage, before being saved by former host Jax McCleary, who piloted an Ares Inferno.

Graphics from the segment of Whitley's Guide that featured the UEES Banshee. The name 'UEES McCleary' is visible in the top left, and on the hull of the ship the reversed name 'UEES Stanton' is visible. The show is using an unlicensed version of Holoboard Educator Plus.
