UEES Thresher

UEEN Hammerhead-class vessel
UEES Thresher
CrewStarman Alphonso Lang - Gunner's Mate
Vehicle ClassPatrol Boat
ManufacturerAegis Dynamics
AppearancesGalactic Guide

The UEES Thresher is a Hammerhead-class patrol boat serving in the United Empire of Earth Navy. Starman Alphonso Lang was serving as Gunner's Mate aboard the Thresher in 2947 when the ship was featured on Galactic Tour, hosted by Jax McCleary.[1]

The Thresher is presumed to be a modern Flight IV Hammerhead, but does not conform to the convention of naming ships of this model after water deities.[2]


  1. Star Citizen: ATV Anniversary Special - Aegis Dynamics (from 1:38). Retrieved 2021-05-02
  2. The Aegis Hammerhead - Ship Brochure