Walkthrough of mission:
1. Reaching the combat area
To reach the mission area, players must go to the Cloudview Center in Orison. From there, head to the Crusader Industries Showroom, located on the same "island" as Greencircle and take the elevator to the rooftop. Once there, turn right and you'll find a small medical forward operating area that has been set up by Crusader Security along with a frequent shuttle service to Inspiration Park. Your objective on the following platforms in steps 2-4 will be to take out each platform's Nine Tails Lieutenant and commandeer ships from rooftop pads. These do not respawn during the event, so the distance you need to travel to find one may vary.
NOTE - As soon as you board you will locked into a trip out of Orison's Armistice Zone, so prepare accordingly. There is ECN coverage however, so any PVP will count as criminal activity.
NOTE - All platforms have AA defenses. If all of the commandeer-able ships are destroyed, the mission will not be completable:
Solanki Platform presents a fairly easy short-medium range FPS challenge and doesn't give the player much to think about navigationally. There is plenty of cover in the form of barricades, cargo containers and overturned vehicles. The initial direct route sees the player travel in a straight line up a slight hill towards a tower building. Using the elevator to reach the upper level, the player can then turn 90 degrees to the right and continue onwards across an area of slightly sparser cover towards a crashed Cutlass Black. Near the crash site on the right are steps down to reach the next shuttle, which will take the player to Brushwood Platform.
NOTE - Players that have already reached Hartmoore Platform can send a shuttle to Solanki that can be accessed near the beginning of the platform, on the right.
Brushwood Platform ramps up the difficulty both in terms of gunplay and navigation. Engagement ranges on this platform are much larger, suiting some of the game's rarer weapons like sniper rifles and LMGs. This platform also gives limited access to PTVs that can be used for quick traversal, handy considering the size of the location. The direct route sees the player travel in a clockwise horseshoe shape - first descending from a rooftop to an upper level with lots of vegetation, rocks and an elevated dining location. From the other end of the upper level, take the elevator down to the lower level. This section requires crossing two bridges to reach two other islands. While there is some cover on the islands themselves, the bridges are shooting galleries that may be best tackled with the use of sniper cover from a tower or the upper level. On the far side of the third island you will find the next shuttle, which will take the player to Hartmoore Platform.
Hartmoore Platform adds even further to the difficulty by opening up the engagement ranges entirely, making heavy use of PTV buggies across a golf course spanning multiple islands, with essentially no cover at all. A shortcut shuttle between Solanki and Hartmoore can be unlocked by visiting the other shuttle stop visible on maps of Hartmoore. You can either send it back on its own or travel back with it.
The ultimate goal of the event is to reach the Admin Center, the circular Magna-class platform that can be seen in the skies when venturing between the preceding platforms. This is no easy feat though, as it is heavily defended by Anti Air batteries, able to easily take out an unsuspecting
Pisces. There are also Nine Tails fighters and a
Hammerhead that patrol the area. It's not a good idea to take on this platform until at least one rooftop
Hercules has been unlocked, which can use its tanky shields to hot-drop troops on the deck. Those troops can then get to work taking out the air defenses. Once a critical mass of players have made it onto the Admin Center, they must fight their way to a docked
Atlas-Class Cargo Ferry which is host to some traversal challenges and a final showdown against Mendo Ren. If players haven't taken out the Lieutenants on each platform, Ren will not appear.