Gamma (1x Holographic)

Holographic sight manufactured by NV-TAC
Gamma (1x Holographic)
ClassificationHolographic sight
ManufacturerNV-TAC (NVTC)
Base price400 aUEC
Mass0.1 kg
Production stateIntroduced in Alpha 3.7
Zoom level1x

The Gamma (1x Holographic) is a size 1 1x holographic sight manufactured by NV-TAC. It is a part of the Gamma series holographic sights.[1]

The NV-TAC Gamma holographic sight is the next level of technology up from the Delta reflex sight. By replacing the standard sight with a high-tech holographic projection, the user gains a variety of options to improve their targeting in less-than ideal lighting conditions. The standard Gamma does not include magnification options; NV-TAC makes them available with the Gamma Duo and Gamma Plus.[2]

In-game description

Whether under the blazing sun or on the dark side of a moon, the NV-TAC Gamma projects an easy to see reticle to help ensure your shot finds its mark.


The Gamma (1x Holographic) was introduced in Alpha 3.7.[3]



  1. In-game survey in Alpha 3.12
  2. Ben Lesnick. "Jonny Jacevicius, Developer Interview". Jump Point. Vol. 7 no. 11. pp.03–10. Retrieved 2021-02-23.
  3. Star Citizen Alpha 3.7.0 patch notes. Comm-Link. Retrieved 2021-02-13