
Fantastic links and where to find them
The Reisse Library

This page provides a list of resources for Star Citizen, including official RSI pages, community-created content, and wiki pages. This list is intended as a quick reference for Citizens looking for additional information or to simply broaden their knowledge of the game and its development.

To add to this list or suggest changes, please visit the Wiki's Discord channel to collaborate with other wiki editors.

Be mindful of the links content and illustrations latest update and take everything with a grain of salt. Even up to date information can be incomplete.

Official resources

These resources are either published by the game developer Cloud Imperium (and the publisher Roberts Space Industries by extension) or from a non-biased authority. They should be referenced first since they are usually the primary source for information regarding Star Citizen and Squadron 42.

Name Description
Roberts Space Industries Go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42
Star Citizen Presentation page for Star Citizen on the RSI website
Squadron 42 Presentation page for Squadron 42 on the RSI website
Welcome Hub Welcome page for new player
Patch notes Patch notes of all Star Citizen live builds
Patch notes (Spectrum) Patch notes of all Star Citizen live and PTU builds
Character reset Page to revert all Star Citizen character data to its default state (backer with SC game package only)

Curated community resources

The following list contains community resources that are consistent and actively maintained over the years, and have a valid HTTPS certificate.


The following resources and tools are divided by tasks in game. They are generally updated for the current major patch or will be updated quickly.

Name Author Description Contact Support Repository Access date
#DPSCalculator Erkul Build, compare, find, and share vehicle loadout. Twitter Patreon N/A 2021-08-10
Star Citizen Armory TheSpaceCoder Build personal loadout and get a shopping list. Discord N/A N/A 2021-08-10
Ship Performance Analysis Tool Legacy Instructional Series Compare vehicle and vehicle weapon performances. Discord Patreon N/A 2021-08-10
SnarePlan DOLUS Assistance for Quantum Interdiction. Discord Donate button on site. N/A 2023-09-29

Game development

The following resources contains useful information on the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42.

Name Author Description Support Access date
PIPELINE Discord community on leaks and datamined information for upcoming content N/A 2022-10-21
SC dev segment Mega Index Darjanator Spreadsheet tracking every developer segments in videos since 2014 and sort them in categories. N/A 2021-08-10
SC Focus FOCUS (org) All-in-one blog for the game development since 2015. N/A 2021-08-10


Name Author Description Contact Support Repository Access date
FleetYards Torlek Maru Database on information related pledge vehicles. Discord Patreon GitHub 2021-08-10
StarShip42 Lundfoci Browse and interact with 3D models of vehicles. Twitter N/A N/A 2021-08-10
Starjump Fleetviewer STARJUMP Generate images of your fleet Discord, Twitter N/A N/A 2022-10-21


Trading and capex costs


Why everything seems to be taking so bloody long


Spreadsheet of dev segments about core tech

Dev Tracking



You are here


Star citizen subreddit overlap


Official by CIG

learning to jump by SrGrafo



Squadron 42

Squadron 42 Behind the Scenes: Gillian Anderson as sandy the squirrel

Starmaps and Related

Verse and Star Systems, Planets

Jump point map london style

Last Update: 2022-10-18




Maps of Star Systems

Maps of Stanton

Maps of Planets and Moons in Stanton

Geological map of the near side of Yela


Map of Metro Center


Cover of The knowledge of good and evil short story

Alien Languages

Names of colors in Banu and their hex codes



Mining quick reference

Trading routes and tools

Ships profit table


Carrack Master Systems Display
File:Ship deed certificate template.png
Ship Deed Template




Personal equipment


Star citizen screenshot with reshade by Eul Keke


Star Citizen camera controls guide

Pixel Art


Vintage star citizen poster


Star citizen comic by Gildas le Roch


Roleplay blogs, articles


Ships illustrated

Fan movies


Arena commander theme by Pedro Camacho
Fresh Outta Verse



Other music


Other artwork

3d printed ship kit by JR Design+Fabrication, officially licensed by CIG


Radio Communications


Relay station, one of several podcasts

Twitch streamers

Selective list of the most common recommendations


Selective list of the most common recommendations


Star citizen dual joystick configuration
Custom Argo PC case


Discord bots

Be careful of what bots can access and do, you might want to restrict their access to specific channels.

Mobile apps

Be careful what you install on your phone and which permissions you give!


Hyper vanguard force instruction booklet cover

Academic publications

Existing academic literature focuses on crowdfunding with star citizen as an example.

Meet players IRL

Part of the bar citizen list

Sci Fi novels recommendations

Dune cover
  • Dune series, Frank Herbert
  • Foundation series, Isaac Asimov
  • Ender's Game series, Orson Scott Card
  • The Martian Chronicles, Ray Bradbury
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series, Douglas Adams
  • Mars Trilogy, Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Hyperion serie, Dan Simmons
  • The Thrawn Trilogy, Timothy Zahn
  • Ciaphas Cain series, Alex Stewart
  • The Expanse series, James S.A. Corey
  • Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Series, Nathan Lowell
  • Star Maker, Olaf Stapledon
  • Honorverse series, David Weber
  • Culture series, Iain M. Banks
  • The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Robert Heilein
  • Have Space Suit - Will Travel, Robert Heinlein
  • Way Station, Clifford D. Simak
  • Roadside Picnic, Boris Strugatsky
  • Ringworld, Larry Niven
  • The Mote in God's Eye, Larry Niven
  • Zones of Though, Vernor Vinge
  • Tau Zero, Poul Anderson
  • Night's Dawn Trilogy, Peter F Hamilton
  • Cities in Flight, James Blish
  • The Stars my destination, Alfred Bester
  • The algebraist, Iain M. Banks
  • Last and first men, Olaf Stapledon
  • Childhood's end, Arthur C Clarke
  • Rendez-vous with Rama, Arthur C Clarke
  • Citizen of the Galaxy, Robert A. Heinlein
  • Gateway omnibus, Philip Jose Farmer
  • Gateway, Frederik Pohl

Space books recomendations

  • The perfect machine, Ronald Florence
  • An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, Chris Hadfield
  • The high frontier : human colonies in space, Gerard K. O'Neill
  • The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must, Robert Zubrin
  • Lonely Hearts Of The Cosmos: The Story Of The Scientific Quest For The Secret Of The Universe, Dennis Overbye
  • This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age: History of the First Space Age, William E. Burrows
  • Moondust: In Search of the Men Who Fell to Earth, Andrew Smith
  • Riding Rockets: The Outrageous Tales of a Space Shuttle Astronaut, Mike Mullane
  • Mining the Sky: Untold Riches from the Asteroids, Comets, and Planets, John S. Lewis
  • Nasa has a large collection of varied free ebooks


Mark Hamill twitter mentions of star citizen


Might still be available on an online archive site, might still be useful to find an author to contact, a long lost tool, or confirm it as abandoned/dead.

Dead or outdated links

Archived pixel spaceships by Eldragon


  • Pretty much all the resources are sourced from reddit and the spotlight publicly, and being public are linked without asking for permission, in cases such as being sourced non publicly, for example from obscure discord channels, from an academic paper or solely on a professional website, permission has been asked of the authors. If something accidentally fell through please get in touch.
  • This is a public list, some creations and tools have not been included on purpose usually because their authors don't want the extra maintenance that comes with more publicity, sometimes some are org exclusive
  • Links that are against CIG terms of use are purposefully omitted, for example those selling unofficial star citizen merchandise, games or prints without license. Grey market links and rule 34 links are also omitted.
  • Links might be repeated in different relevant sections, direct links to the relevant part preferred.
  • Links to org tools/websites are fine as long as they are useful, or if a spreadsheet or some such has been created by an org it shouldn't be confused with pure advertising that doesn't bring anything, common sense applies.
  • Please move outdated things to the archive section instead of deleting them.
  • Few authors answer when asked about dead links, but some have kindly re-uploaded their creations when asked if they still had a private copy, such as comics or music. Dead links can possibly be resurrected, just ask.
  • The old Star Citizen forums contained a lot of things that are lost forever, asking CIG for a possible access to the old forums didn't help (fair enough), hence the will to archive some things (comics, music etc hardly get outdated)
  • If you create a resource, please include the game version. Permanent links that don't need to be manually updated to the latest version are strongly preferred.
  • Anyone including you can add a link or move an outdated one to the archive section, you can also get in touch with an editor if you prefer.
  • Any resemblance to the XES list of star citizen resources is due the present list being originally the XES one that it now replaces and supersedes.