
Size 3 grade D industrial cooler manufactured by Juno Starwerk
ManufacturerJuno Starwerk (JUST)
SizeLarge (Error: no local variable "Size" has been set.)
TypeIndustrial (D)
MassError: no local variable "Mass" has been set. kg
Hit pointsError: no local variable "HP" has been set.
UEC cost156,500 UEC
Cooling rateError: no local variable "CoolingRate" has been set.
Power usageError: no local variable "PowerBase" has been set. - Error: no local variable "PowerDraw" has been set. pwr/s
Wear timeError: no local variable "WearTime" has been set. h

[[Category:Size Error: no local variable "Size" has been set. coolers]]

The Juno Starwerk Hydropulse is a size 3 grade D industrial cooler.[1]

Buyable at

Last updated with info from patch 3.9.1.

Location Store Price (UEC)
Area18 Dumper's Depot 156,500
Everus Harbor Platinum Bay 156,500
