Pyro Crab T-shirt

Shirt manufactured by Escar Limited
Pyro Crab T-shirt
ManufacturerEscar Limited (ELD)
Production stateImplemented

Pyro Crab T-shirt is a shirt made by Escar Limited, and was obtained by Subscribers in October 2021. It is still available for purchase in the Subscriber Store in a pack with two other shirts. It was part of a triple 3-shirt pack containing Banu-made promotional shirts. The shirts contain humorous references to other human companies or brands, or spelling and grammatical errors because of the Banu's known low grasp of the English language.[1]

This shirt is s reference to the crabs that are supposedly native to the Pyro system.

Product description

"Pyro may be a dangerous system but worth a visit to see their famous whip crabs. The shirt was created by a Banu souli as part of a series dedicated to the cute creature found in Human space."

Banu-Made T-shirt Pack

See also


  1. October 2021 Subscriber Promotions. Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-04-27
  2. In-game description. Star Citizen Alpha 3.16.0 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2022-04-23