Worthy Journey

Shirt manufactured by Escar Limited
Worthy Journey
ManufacturerEscar Limited (ELD)
Base price540 aUEC
Production stateIntroduced in Alpha 3.14
Environment protection
Temperature2 / 33 °C

Worthy Journey is a t-shirt promoting Crusader Industries' ships, manufactured by Escar Limited.

In-game description

Whether you're piloting or simply enjoying the ride, a Crusader ship makes it a journey worth taking. This shirt celebrates that spirit by featuring a fleet of Crusader ships plus their iconic logo and tagline. [1]


Image Name Description
Worthy Journey Black Black t-shirt with blue motif featuring a Mercury, Ares, and Hercules.


(All are available in-game only)

Image Name Description
Worthy Journey White White t-shirt with blue motif featuring a Mercury, Ares, and Hercules.


The Worthy Journey shirt was introduced in Alpha 3.14 to accommodate the release of Orison and Crusader.


  1. Item description at Crusader Discovery Center in Orison. Alpha 3.14.1 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2021-10-12