Second Tevarin War White Dress Jacket

Jacket manufactured by Navy Surplus
Second Tevarin War White Dress Jacket
ManufacturerNavy Surplus (NVS)
Main setSecond Tevarin War Uniform
Environment protection

Second Tevarin War White Dress Jacket is a replica of a clothing piece that navy officers used to wear during the Second Tevarin War. It is manufactured by Navy Surplus in the "Historic Warrior collection" in honor of humanity's Second Tevarin War veterans.[1]

Full uniform

The uniform consists of a white dress jacket with a sash adorned with metals and matching white dress trousers. The White Dress Uniform was the Navy’s most formal uniform of the era and reserved for official ceremonies and parades.[2]

In-game description

"Honor the heroes that served in the Second Tevarin War by wearing a replica Navy uniform. Historically accurate down to every last stitch, period appropriate materials were used to make these uniforms match military specifications of the era. The white Dress Jacket features a sash adorned with metals and was worn for formal occasions and ceremonies. "


Second Tevarin War White Dress Jacket is Subscriber Flair that released as part of the October 2020 Subscriber flair. It was not handed out to any subscriber, but rather only available in the Subscriber Store for USD $6.50 for a full uniform (jacket + pants). Any subscriber can also retro-actively purchase the flair.


  1. Ben Lesnick. "Subscriber flair sneak peek". Jump Point. Vol. 8 no. 9. pp.29. Retrieved {{subst:#time: Y-m-d }}.
  2. October 2950 Subscriber Promotions. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2020-10-15
  3. Alpha 3.11 in-game description