Vehicle Pipeline

(Redirected from Ship Pipeline)

The Vehicle Pipeline (also known as Ship Pipeline) is the process employed by Cloud Imperium Games to create and update vehicles. The main stages of the Vehicle Pipeline are design, concept phase, whitebox, greybox, final phase and flight preparation, although the last part is sometimes further subdivided. The details of this process have been discussed in an Around The Verse development video in 2017.[1] It is a continuous revolving process.[2]

Vehicle Pipeline in 2017

Gold standard

Gold standard pass is to finish the vehicle as complete to the features that is in game in 2021. It includes:[2]

  • Cockpit button placements and animations
  • Metrics passes on characters and items
  • Exposing vehicle components
  • Lighting passes
  • Material passes
List of gold standard vehicles
Name Manufacturer Status Patch
Gladius Aegis Dynamics Implemented Alpha 3.13.0
Sabre Aegis Dynamics Implemented Alpha 3.14.0
Retaliator Aegis Dynamics In production N/A
A2 Hercules Starlifter Crusader Industries Implemented Alpha 3.15.0
Ares Inferno Crusader Industries Implemented Alpha 3.15.1
Ares Ion Crusader Industries Implemented Alpha 3.15.1
C2 Hercules Starlifter Crusader Industries Implemented Alpha 3.13.1
M2 Hercules Starlifter Crusader Industries Implemented Alpha 3.13.1
Cutlass Drake Interplanetary In production N/A
600i Origin Jumpworks In production N/A
PTV Greycat Industrial In production N/A


  1. Around the Verse - Ship Pipeline Pt. 1 - Concept to Greybox. Transmission - Comm-Link
  2. 2.0 2.1 Inside Star Citizen: Physician Admission | Summer 2021