
Informal speech and dialects of the Verse.

Slang is language that is informal, and often confined to a specific group or context. Several groups in the Star Citizen universe make extensive use of slang, particularly pirates and the military.

This page lists slang terms and their apparent definitions. These lists tend towards excluding extant 20th and 21st Century slang terms, and focuses on novel slang that has developed by the time of the 30th Century.

General Slang and Jargon

Word Category Definition
Blading verb A phenomenon wherein human individuals actively seek contact and encounters with Vanduul ships, popular among young and minor humans on the Vanduul border regions.[1]
Cycle noun A unit of measurement describing both how many times an individual has been regenerated and the time since their previous Regeneration. For example: someone who was imprinted at age 30 and killed and regenerated at 38 would be on their first cycle. If they were again killed at age 42, their first cycle would have lasted four years and they would now be on their second cycle.[2]
Gap noun Similar to a cycle, a gap instead measures the amount of time between the scanning of a person’s most recent Imprint and when that Imprint was used to regenerate someone. Using the previous example: someone imprinted at 30 and killed at 38 would have a gap of eight years. If they were again killed at 42 without re-imprinting themselves, their gap would be twelve years.[2]
NewsOrg noun Any news organisation.[3]
QT verb Quantum travel
Regen noun Someone who has been regenerated. It can also be used as short-hand for the Regeneration process itself.[2]
Slink noun Pejorative term for the Xi'an.[4][5][6]
Verse noun The known Universe.
Vid noun Any video content, recorded or livestreamed, broadcast over Spectrum.[3]
Wiped verb To be wiped is to experience true death. Though there are several unknown methods of wiping someone by force, the most common way someone is wiped is through a sufficient degradation of their IVS as a result of excessive TREs.[2]

Pirate Slang

Word Category Suspected definition Examples
Scurrow noun Pejorative (though sometimes affectionate or self-effacing) term for a person living outside of the law - see Fringers. "Aint like you Scurrows appreciate it."[7]

"What this means for the rest of us scurrows is if you ain’t got legit business, stay far away."[7]

Stick noun A missile "I’ll blast that stick so far up the dingo you’ll become the new Banu God of Gripes"[7]
Fringers noun A neutral term for a person living on the Fringes of society "Do Fringers got friends? More like people you don’t blast on sight."[7]
Ghost verb To kill. This is a particularly commonly used euphemism.[8] "Next time we cross, you're ghosted"[7]

" you that extra time to ghost ’em."[7]

" it’s not my fault and if you ghost me, Dusty, a lot of important people are gonna be angry."[9]

"To the outlaw who has been ghostin’ haulers in Oberon, knock it the hell off."[10]

"In the last six months since this sadistic dredge has started operatin’ there’s been twenty-three reports of rescue pod’s being ghosted."[10]

"Yesterday the reports came in that the twenty-third hauler was ghosted."[10]

"And so I give one last warning to the outlaw who has been ghostin’ haulers in Oberon."[10]

"Meanwhile, my mind’s racing about who’s outside waiting to ghost me."[11]

"Despite all the rumors, I’m still very much alive and thriving, not rotting under an abandoned homestead after being ghosted by some low-level goon I swindled."[12]

Scanta noun Pejorative term, a scavenger or low-level pirate “Yous scantas gotta roust more of da bizzon."[7]
Roust verb To steal, raid or rob.[8] “Yous scantas gotta roust more of da bizzon."[7]“Six ships passed armed to the teeth. Somebody was getting rousted tonight.”[8]
Bizzon noun Loot, plunder, the proceeds of crime “Yous scantas gotta roust more of da bizzon."[7]
Sweep noun The details "I can’t explain the fine about how it works but here’s the sweep"[7]
Skim verb To work down a target's shields. "the shields have already bounced back up and you gotta skim ’em down again"[7]
Skag noun Idiot, some other fellow.[8][9] "You tag some skag with this when their shields are down and it won’t work otherwise"[7]

"Professional” enough for you … you slander-slinging skag?"[13]

“Some skag came by and tried to rob my ship.”[8]

Bleeder noun A person who is bad in a fight, and hence bleeds a lot "Hey bleeders, this is gonna be a quick one"[9]
Oscillate verb Leave, depart "your friendly Jester’s only got a few to spare before I need to oscillate. "[9]
Uni noun The Universe, the Verse "B0otyCall, the Specs best show about the uni’s very worst."[9]
Spec noun Spectrum "B0otyCall, the Specs best show about the uni’s very worst."[9]
Dry Suits noun Ordinary law-abiding people "This is what the dry suits call a news flash."[9]
Shake Noun An agreement or treaty ".. not some bull two clan shake"[9]
duul noun Vanduul "Nul has gotten a hella lot more dangerous with the ‘duul murder parade marchin’ on through"[9]

"SnapBack claims to have spotted a 'duul clan moving through the system."[13]

"No one should dance with the ’duul unless they’re ready and willing."[13]

"So you see, SnapBack, I got issues with the ‘duul. "[13]

"...finally finding Armus, the backstabber who lured my old crew into that ’duul den."[13]

Rig noun Vulgar, one's rear end "...having a Scythe jamming itself right up your rig. "[9]
Scaver noun Scavenger " Slavers are hurtin’. Scavers are hurtin’. Even the poppers are feelin’ it. "[9]
Popper noun Drug addict " Slavers are hurtin’. Scavers are hurtin’. Even the poppers are feelin’ it. "[9]
Dust noun Signal, signature, something that a ship or broadcast would be detected by. "Looks like they’re pickin’ up some Dust."[9]
MDK noun Murder. Abbreviation for Murder, Death, Kill. "that’s all pretty much gone to rot ever since the MDK rate shot through the bloody atmosphere."[10]
Dredge noun An idiot "In the last six months since this sadistic dredge has started operatin’ there’s been twenty-three reports of rescue pod’s being ghosted."[10]
Cratelug noun A haulier or trader "Any cratelug with an ounce of self-preservation’s been avoiding the area"[10]
Hornies noun Anvil Hornet (a silghtly outdated main fighter for the Navy) "And guess how many Hornies were along for the ride?"[10]
Crank verb To annoy "it cranks me when some pissant who can’t keep their gun in check comes along and ruins it for the rest of us"[10]
Scav noun Scavenger, or low-grade pirate "That, my scavs, is the final straw."[10]

"Support all you sleazy scavs on the trail of fame and fortune."[13]

"Turned himself into a scav that preyed on distressed ships in the asteroid belt"[13]

Bloodprice noun A murder bounty. " the Council’s agreed to put together a bloodprice of a hundred thousand creds for this fine specimen’s head."[10]
Cutter noun Vanduul " Feeding me bad info on cutters gets you a top slot on my hit list"[13]
Raggabrash adjective Loud, attention-grabbing, bringing the law's attention (negative connotation) "But that dream’s gonna be gone if Nexus’ raggabrash pirate packs keep mucking about "[11]
Vert noun Unclear meaning: related to intoxication. Either a beverage, or the state of being drink. "Might as well go ahead and knock back a few more while you’re hazarding a drink ‘cause a bit of the vert makes B0otyCall easier to swallow."[14]
Sun Fuel noun Dead; Idiomatic. " A few weeks skipped and everyone thinks I’m sun fuel"
Pinched verb Imprisoned or arrested. Note, this is slightly different useage to 21st Century British slang, which exclusively means the act of being arrested, while in the 30th Century the meaning has expanded to include the subsequent incarceration. "And no, I wasn’t pinched in QuarterDeck if that’s what you’re all thinking. "[14]

"the reward for the pinch was barely worth the fuel burn"[15]

Jaw verb Talk, discuss, converse "Not only did I have to bear the hardship of not being able to jaw with you fine scalpers,"[14]
Scalper noun Pirate, outlaw "Not only did I have to bear the hardship of not being able to jaw with you fine scalpers,"[14]
Reg noun Regular, ordinary - part of UEE society, rather than outlaw society. "Not a job job mind you, more like a reg working stiff legit job."[14]
Clock and Creds idiom Similar in meaning to "9 to 5" - implying an ordinary, law abiding, boring job. " for all intents, yours truly was full clock and creds for almost two months."[14]
Cut noun Outfit, clothing. "Hard jump to me wearing a respectable cut and shaking hands with Captain Clueless"[14]
Cat noun Drake Caterpillar (favoured cargo ship for pirates) "Twist floats along in a cat blaring out the codes"[14]
Tuck noun Loot, plunder, the proceeds of crime " Is it really stealing when the mark just hands you the tuck?"[14]
Bril noun Good news, pleasant information "The final bit of bril is that I traced the whole thing back to an under-welder who they had working the scut."[14]
Scut noun Unclear meaning; perhaps 'Ship or Vessel' "The final bit of bril is that I traced the whole thing back to an under-welder who they had working the scut."[14]
Advos noun The Advocacy: UEE Federal Law Enforcement "they threw him into the hold to wait for the Advos to come."[14]

"Figured it bought them a few extra minutes since the advos would usually stop to gawp a bit at all the tasty."[15]

"Pretty clear there’s not enough Advos to go around,"[12]

" Hell, they might still be running amok if all those corpo kissasses and wanna-be Advos didn’t help the authorities fight ‘em off."[12]

Slog noun A hard-working law-abiding person "Almost felt bad for the slog"[14]
Jaggin' verb Talking "all this jaggin’ has started my head off again"[14]

" You know, one of the scores I’m always jaggin’ on about here."[15]

taking my rucksack through the wringer. Idiom Having a hard time. The 'Rucksack' may be a reference to the scrotum. "I gotta admit, 2947 has been off to a rough start. Really taking my rucksack through the wringer. "[15]
shake out my unmentionables Idiom Tell an embarassing truth. Similar to "air dirty laundry" "Bit embarrassing really, but if I can’t shake out my unmentionables on my own transmission what’s even the point?"[15]
Fingered verb Informed upon to law inforcement. Snitched upon. "But the damn thing is, I was fingered for an overdue landing fee that I skipped on two years ago. "[15]
Face noun False identity, alias "I accidentally used an old alias..As soon as the flag popped up the sec-channel, I immediately dropped the face"[15]
Doggerel noun Law enforcement or bounty hunters "by then it was too late. The doggerel had the scent."[15]
Clinger noun A persuer, a tail. "I jumped four systems and still wasn’t able to dislodge the little clinger"[15]
Falsie noun False identity, alias. "Finally lost the trail two days ago thanks to a quick sell of the falsie to a couple kids who were in the market for an ID. "[15]
Tainted reg noun A false identity that is compromised. "Normally I would never sell a tainted reg, but these little pissants had cost me a job a month or two back"[15]
Mantle noun The name and overall identity of a gang "Speaking of those kids, can you believe they had the gall to take on the NovaRider mantle? "[15]
Mints noun A new or inexperienced pirate. A greenhorn. "We’re talking a bunch of mints who barely had the wits to put on a flight suit between them "[15]
Codewads noun Programmers, sellers of computer code "Can you believe those Original Systems codewads stole the proud outlaw tradition for personal profit and gain?"[15]
Mark noun The intended victim or target of a crime " Is it really stealing when the mark just hands you the tuck?"[14]

"They’d sweep in screaming thrash music on all frequencies, so when the poor marks went to comm for help all they would hear is D-Struct singing her head off."[15]

Button-down noun Regular, ordinary - part of UEE society, rather than outlaw society. Could specifically refer to authority figures. "Nothing makes for a sold-out concert tour like some button-down telling everyone that your sound is ‘too dangerous.’"[15]
Scummer noun A pirate, particularly a low-grade pirate looked down upon by outlaw society. "And then there were the scummers who were plundering under the NovaRider banner before them. Real low of the low."[15]
Tasty noun Eye candy, visually appealing objects. "Figured it bought them a few extra minutes since the advos would usually stop to gawp a bit at all the tasty."[15]
Smooth Cheeked adjective Young, inexperienced. "I’m realizing now that some of you smooth cheeked sorts might think NovaRiders actually came from AC first"[15]
Bougebags noun Rich law-abiding people, from Bourgeois. "Point is, they were so expensive that only corps and bougebags could afford ’em"[15]
Hitters noun Thieves, criminals " all the hitters would operate out of stations and ports."[15]
Nasties noun Thieves, criminals "out of nowhere a ship full of nasties drops in and takes ’em for all they’re worth."[15]
Slowboat noun A slow spacecraft, particularly a hauler "Not like now when every slowboat out there’s packing trip-repeats and enough missiles to crack a planet."[15]
Ratted noun Informed the police. Snitched. "I swear if I find out those rotten NovaRider punks ratted me, next thing I sell ’em will be a bullet to the brain."[15]
Trog noun Idiot. From Troglodyte. "Seriously, gang, everyone should study what this trog did to learn exactly what not to do on your next raid. "[5]
Lugnut noun Idiot. "If you haven’t heard, this lugnut targeted a massive shipment of Nox coming in from slink space right before they went on sale"[5]
Slink noun The Xi'an (pejorative, see also Military slang) "If you haven’t heard, this lugnut targeted a massive shipment of Nox coming in from slink space right before they went on sale"[5]
Scrapers noun Legitimate salvage "lot of straightlaced folks will come looking for the wreckage too. Sometimes it’s scrapers,"[5]
Ganker noun Pirate, theif, outlaw, killer. "Yours truly is none other than the revered and reviled ganker with the gift of gab, Jester. "[16]
Roughbacks noun Outlaws "Sure it’s a bit odd to wear pretty much the same thing as the dozen or so other roughbacks you spend all your time with, but when the shooting starts, it’s nice to be able to tell who’s who. "[16]
Lowbrow noun Idiot " It’s almost like every lowbrow suddenly decided that instead of dressing like a Human, it’d be better to wear a huge sign that says, “Arrest me.”"[16]
Flapcoat noun An official, perhaps a military or law enforcement official. "And here I’ve been bossing you around like I’m some UEE flapcoat tellin’ you the exact opposite and preachin’ on about rules and decorum"[16]
Goon noun Outlaws "I’m still very much alive and thriving, not rotting under an abandoned homestead after being ghosted by some low-level goon I swindled."[12]

"I’ve heard from multiple ultimo goons that the current action is easier than ever"[12]

Ultimo adjective Reliable, trustworthy "I’ve heard from multiple ultimo goons that the current action is easier than ever"[12]
Rando noun A random individual "You know your system’s security is in trouble when you have to rely on some unvetted rando scarfing down a Torpedo Burrito to speed to your defense. "[12]
Scarfing verb Eating quickly "You know your system’s security is in trouble when you have to rely on some unvetted rando scarfing down a Torpedo Burrito to speed to your defense. "[12]
Scrum noun Similar to ‘scum’ it referred to a person for whom you have no real affection, i.e., I’m calling you this because I don’t like you and don’t regard you as much of a person. "Scrum don’t chaw with the beddewan"[8]
Chaw verb Mess/tangle/toy with "Scrum don’t chaw with the beddewan"[8]
Beddewan noun "Us Here". "Scrum don’t chaw with the beddewan"[8]
AntiLaz verb A contraction of “Anti-Lazarus,” any method of murdering someone to prevent the possibility of medical resuscitation or repair (such as shooting an ejection pod). Coined by Aarol Cobb, an ultra-religious hitman. (see also empty casket)[8] "She’d had run-ins (and interviews) with AntiLaz killers. There were ways of making sure that when you assassinated someone, they stayed dead."[17]
Dingo noun the dookie-chute, the badonkadonk, i.e., the butt.[8] “Can you believe this? As I was running, the cops shot me right in the dingo.”[8]

"I’ll blast that stick so far up the dingo you’ll become the new Banu God of Gripes"[7]

Drift1 verb move away, get out of here. Usually used in a dismissive manner.[8] “Why don’t you drift and let the adults talk”[8]
Drift2 noun to float aimlessly in space. Also used as a way to describe nomadic life in space. Used similarly to "the road".[8] “Probably should have let him know his merchandise was out on the drift”[8]
Empty casket noun A term for murdering someone to prevent the possibility of medical resuscitation or repair.[8] "You’ll be praying for an empty-casket, you rotten son of a bitch."[7]
Skiff noun Another person, particularly one who is actively flying a ship.[8] “The second I hit the system, I had some skiff on my tail.”[8]
Tag1 noun Registration tags, the info that comes up when your ship gets scanned.[8] “I had some dirty tags so I couldn’t land.”[8]
Tag2 verb Getting identified/scanned and logged into a system.[8] “I know the cops tagged me before I hit the jump point.”[8]

Xi'an Slang

SRX kyexiin Meaning
rul ( Xi'an: rul(rul) (Proper); ) Zero gravity. Slang version of yoru.[18]
kuāo ( Xi'an: kuaao(kuāo) (Proper); ) Ancient word for a defunct Xi’an currency; slang for money; dough, bills, etc.[18]
cho’ro ( Xi'an: cho2ro(cho'ro) (Proper); ) We inclusive (dual (pejorative)) slang (I + you)[18]
chu’ro ( Xi'an: chu2ro(chu'ro) (Proper); ) We inclusive (plural (pejorative)) slang (we (excl.) + you)[18]
nyaxiing ( Xi'an: nya0xiing(nyaxiing) (Proper); ) Wild person; barbarian; slang for ’pirate’[18]
t'ek ( Xi'an: tek2(t'ek) (Proper); ) Stop, halt - indicates that the speaker is also annoyed.[18]
m..âman” ( Xi'an: ma1man3(m..âman") (Proper); ) Service Dialect slang. Crazy like a human - from the English "Madman". Positive connotations when having a good time.[18]
ma'ma ( Xi'an: ma2ma(ma'ma) (Proper); ) Service Dialect slang. “beast, monster” (a person behavng like an animal; out of her/his mind)[18]
yao'yao ( Xi'an: yao8yao82(yao'yao) (Proper); ) Affectionate term for a Ngii, a small semi-aquatic domesticated mammal. Known as a Yengi or Yengi Cat to humans.[19]

Banu Slang

Word Emphatic Word Type Definition
Nonga ( Banu: nonga(nonga); ) Nongæ ( Banu: nongæ(nongæ); ) V.T1 In normal usage, to sent out or to trash. In slang usage, to assassinate.[20]
Pachú ( Banu: pachú(pachú); ) Pachuwæ ( Banu: pachuwæ(pachuwæ); ) V.T1 Buy; purchase (from pacho zo yu).[20]
Pangá ( Banu: pangá(pangá); ) Pangawæ ( Banu: pangawæ(pangawæ); ) V.T1 Sell; sell off ((from pacho zo nonga).[20]
¿chichíngo? ( Banu: ¿chichíngo?(¿chichíngo?); ) N/A Idiom Right? Is it not? (sentence final) - .ulo ndi kafa. ¿chichíngo?. “They (sing.) are an idiot, right?”[20]
  1. Aremis Post: Stop Blading. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-21
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Loremaker's Guide to Regeneration. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  3. 3.0 3.1 Writer's Guide: Part Three. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  4. Writer's Guide: Part Six. Transmission - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2018-07-18
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 B0otyCall: Small Fish. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  6. TRACKER: Code of the Hunt. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 News Update: B0otyCall. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 Writer's Guide: Part Five. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 B0otyCall: Armistice. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 B0otyCall: Cleaning House. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  11. 11.0 11.1 B0otyCall: Paradise Lost. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 B0otyCall: Let Chaos Rein. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 B0otyCall: A Score to Settle. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 B0otyCall - Working Stiff. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17 15.18 15.19 15.20 15.21 15.22 15.23 BOotyCall: NovaRiders. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 B0otyCall: Look Smart. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  17. DATELINE SESEN: Part Four. Serialized Fiction - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 Xi'an Dictionary. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  19. Results of the Animal Naming Contest. Spectrum Dispatch - Comm-Link. Retrieved 2022-07-18
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Smoother Sailing in the Protectorate. Retrieved 2022-07-18