30th Century

30th Century

This is a summary of lore events occurring in the 30th Century in the Star Citizen universe.

2901 - 2925

Date Type Event
2902 Political Carteyna placed under the Fair Chance Act.
2902 Commercial WillsOp Systems founded.[1]
2903 Exploration First jump point to the Stanton system discovered.
2904 Commercial Flashfire Systems founded.[2]
2904 Political Hurston Dynamics acquired Stanton I and its moons.
2910 Conflict The Vanduul attack Squadron 42.[3]
2911 Commercial Maiden Group founded by Terrence Milkard.[4]
2912 Commercial BiotiCorp founded by Ted Santos and Diyo Nikolas.
2912 Political Lorville founded.
2913 Commercial Apocalypse Arms founded by Dalton Colabello.
2913 Commercial Origin Jumpworks president Jennifer Friskers relocates the company's HQ to New Austin.[5]
2920 Commercial Origin Jumpworks introduces the first M50 Interceptor at the Imperial Engineering Expo.
2920 Commercial Rebuilding of Radegast begins in Port Renatus.[6]
2921 Exploration First jump point to the Kallis system discovered by Gabby Rifon (but credited to OB Station Chimera).
2922 Political Imperator Corbyn Salehi dies.

2926 - 2950

Date Type Event
2931-05-20 Political Dean Kellar's last stand.[7]
2932 Commercial Cubby Blast founded.
2932 Pop Culture First premiere of Star Kitten.
2934 Disaster A massive earthquake devastates parts of Acheron on Charon III. Dellin helps with aid efforts, and together they build the Phiyi Tower.[8]
2935-01-10 Conflict The Walzer Massacre occurs.[9]
2936 Commercial Original Systems founded by Henry Garrity.
2940 Political Current Imperator Kelos Costigan is elected into office.
2941 Political Imperator Costigan signs the Historical Truth Act, which declassifies millions of pieces of archived data.[10]
2942 Pop Culture Cassandra's Tears first released on the Spectrum.
2942-08-04 13:48 SET Political Senator Mira Ngo proposes a referendum which would allow UEE citizens to vote on whether or not to move the Empire's capital from Earth to Terra.[11]
2942 Conflict Vanduul carrier ship X12 found dead in space off Garron.[12]
2943 Exploration First jump point to the Tamsa system discovered by Cothi Bat-Thel-Ma.
2943-05-10 Political The Vanduul Warship Analysis is leaked from the UEEHICOM's Office of Naval Intelligence.
2943-08 Political Jenk Gallen arrested on espionage charges by Xi'an authorities[13] in reaction to attempts of a group within the UEE Senate which wanted to contact the Kr'Thak.[14]
2944 Commercial Jysho Corporation opens its first store, CTR, in Aydo—the first time a Xi'an corporation openes a business on a Human planet.[15]
2944 Conflict Civil war breaks out yet again between Acheron and Dellin on Charon III when Tarquin Klass becomes leader of Dellin and is accused of being a tyrant by Acheron.[8]
2945 Exploration Discovery of 78 Leonis by Captain Leonis.
2945-02-24 Political Senator Kyle Polo introduces the Polo Initiative, which—if it had been successful—would have allowed citizens to vote on whether or not to implement a 10% across-the-board cut in all military spending.[16]
2945-10-06 Conflict Battle of Vega II occurs.
2945-10-10 Political Admiral Bishop delivers his Emergency Session Speech to the UEE Senate.[17]
2945-11-10 Conflict Beginning of the Vanduul War.
2946 Political Creation of the Militia Mobilization Initiative to embolden the general public to help defend the Empire from the Vanduul and other aggressive forces.
2946-03 Conflict Operation Mandrake occurs.
2947-03 Political The Human-Xi'an Trade Initiative (also known as HuXa) is announced.[18]
2947-05-30 Political An assassin makes an unsuccessful attempt on Imperator Costigan's life at the Banking Federation Summit in New York.[18]
2950 Political Imperator Election in the United Empire of Earth.
