
Metal commodity
Occupancy6 cSCU
Base price25 aUEC
Production stateImplemented

Agricium is a rare and valuable silvery metal with a blue-green sheen. Malleable, ductile, and largely non-reactive.

Trade data

Planet Moon Location Buy Sell Refresh/min Max Inventory
ArcCorp Area18 27.5 4,000 500,000
Lyria Loveridge Mineral Reserve 23.08 600 5,000
Shubin Mining Facility SAL-2 22.67 500 5,000
Wala Samson and Sons Salvage Center 27.5 500 10,000
Crusader Port Olisar 27.5 24,502.2 600,000
Daymar ArcCorp Mining Area 141 24.84 81 18,000
Brio's Breaker Yard 27.5 500 5,000
Kudre Ore 24.45 38.39 2,800
Yela GrimHEX 27.5 1,000 500,000


Levski 27.5 24,502.2 600,000
Hurston Lorville 27.5 1,562.5 300,000