Cinch Scraper Module

Template:Infobox scraper module

The Cinch Scraper Module is a size 1 scraper module manufactured by Greycat Industrial.[1]


The Cinch is a precision scraper module that produces a small, focused beam perfect for extracting resources from every nook and cranny on a hull. While the beam's relatively small size requires more time to remove Recycled Material Composite (RMC), its excellent extraction rate will make the added effort worth it.

Universe availability

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Standard on

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The Cinch Scraper Module is introduced with the first implementation of salvage gameplay in Alpha 3.18.0.[2]


  1. In-game survey. Alpha 3.19.1 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2023-06-28
  2. In-game survey. Alpha 3.18.0 - Star Citizen. Retrieved 2023-03-24