M9A Cannon

Size 7 vehicle weapon manufactured by Behring Applied Technology
(Redirected from M9A Laser Autocannon)
M9A Cannon
ManufacturerBehring Applied Technology (BEHR)
TypeLaser Cannon
MassError: no local variable "Mass" has been set. kg
Hit pointsError: no local variable "HP" has been set.
RangeError: no local variable "Range" has been set. m
Ammo countError: no local variable "Ammo" has been set. rounds
Total damageExpression error: Unexpected < operator. per second
Distortion damageError: no local variable "DistortionDamage" has been set. per shot
Physical damageError: no local variable "PhysicalDamage" has been set. per shot
Energy damageError: no local variable "EnergyDamage" has been set. per shot
Firing rateError: no local variable "WeaponRate" has been set. shots/min
Max. penetrationError: no local variable "AmmoPenetration" has been set. m
Overheat timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
Cool timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
IR signatureError: no local variable "IRMultiplier" has been set.

The Behring M9A Cannon is a size 7 vehicle laser cannon. It is a part of the M-series laser autocannon.[1]

In-game description

Strike at the very heart of your enemies with the devastating impact of Behring's M9A energy autocannon. When fully charged, the massive stopping power of this laser weapon has the potential to halt even capital ships in their tracks.


  1. In-game description in 3.10.0