NDB-26 Repeater

Size 1 vehicle weapon manufactured by MaxOx
(Redirected from NDB-26 Neutron Repeater)
NDB-26 Repeater
ManufacturerMaxOx (MXOX)
TypeNeutron Repeater
MassError: no local variable "Mass" has been set. kg
Hit pointsError: no local variable "HP" has been set.
RangeError: no local variable "Range" has been set. m
Ammo countError: no local variable "Ammo" has been set. rounds
Total damageExpression error: Unexpected < operator. per second
Distortion damageError: no local variable "DistortionDamage" has been set. per shot
Physical damageError: no local variable "PhysicalDamage" has been set. per shot
Energy damageError: no local variable "EnergyDamage" has been set. per shot
Firing rateError: no local variable "WeaponRate" has been set. shots/min
Max. penetrationError: no local variable "AmmoPenetration" has been set. m
Overheat timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
Cool timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
IR signatureError: no local variable "IRMultiplier" has been set.

The MaxOx NDB-26 Repeater is a size 1 vehicle neutron repeater. It is a part of the NDB series neutron repeater.[1]

In-game description

The NDB-26 uses a twin barrel system to fire neutron projectiles at a rapid rate. Devastating at close range, this neutron repeater still packs enough of a wallop at medium range to persuade any attackers to reconsider their assault.



  1. In-game description 3.10.0