NN-13 Cannon

Size 1 vehicle weapon manufactured by MaxOx
(Redirected from NN-13 Neutron Cannon)
NN-13 Cannon
ManufacturerMaxOx (MXOX)
TypeNeutron Cannon
MassError: no local variable "Mass" has been set. kg
Hit pointsError: no local variable "HP" has been set.
UEC cost8,000
REC cost800
RangeError: no local variable "Range" has been set. m
Ammo countError: no local variable "Ammo" has been set. rounds
Total damageExpression error: Unexpected < operator. per second
Distortion damageError: no local variable "DistortionDamage" has been set. per shot
Physical damageError: no local variable "PhysicalDamage" has been set. per shot
Energy damageError: no local variable "EnergyDamage" has been set. per shot
Firing rateError: no local variable "WeaponRate" has been set. shots/min
Max. penetrationError: no local variable "AmmoPenetration" has been set. m
Overheat timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
Cool timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
IR signatureError: no local variable "IRMultiplier" has been set.

The MaxOx NN-13 Cannon is a size 1 vehicle neutron cannon. It is a part of the N-series neutron cannon.[1]

In-game description

MaxOx’s NN-13 neutron cannon offers a massive energy payload at the expense of speed and energy efficiency. One could argue the virtues of speed, rate of fire and distance over damage, but the argument becomes irrelevant if you only need to hit them once.

Stock loadout

This weapon is in the stock loadout for:


  1. In-game description 3.10.0