Salvation Distortion Scattergun

Size 4 vehicle weapon manufactured by Preacher Armament
(Redirected from Salvation Scattergun)
Salvation Distortion Scattergun
ManufacturerPreacher Armament (PRAR)
TypeDistortion Scattergun
MassError: no local variable "Mass" has been set. kg
Hit pointsError: no local variable "HP" has been set.
RangeError: no local variable "Range" has been set. m
Ammo countError: no local variable "Ammo" has been set. rounds
Total damageExpression error: Unexpected < operator. per second
Distortion damageError: no local variable "DistortionDamage" has been set. per shot
Physical damageError: no local variable "PhysicalDamage" has been set. per shot
Energy damageError: no local variable "EnergyDamage" has been set. per shot
Firing rateError: no local variable "WeaponRate" has been set. shots/min
Max. penetrationError: no local variable "AmmoPenetration" has been set. m
Overheat timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
Cool timeExpression error: Unexpected < operator. s
IR signatureError: no local variable "IRMultiplier" has been set.

The Preacher Armament Salvation Distortion Scattergun is a size 4 vehicle distortion scattergun.[1]

In-game description

Disable an enemy's ship without damaging it with the Salvation scattergun from Preacher Armaments. With its wide spread and low rate of fire this size four scattergun is most potent at close range.


  1. In-game description 3.10.0