Medical supplies

Medical supply commodity
(Redirected from Medical Supplies)
Medical supplies
TypeMedical supply
Occupancy6 cSCU/1 SCU
Base price17.5 aUEC
Production stateImplemented

Medical supplies is a variety of items produced primarily to treat injury or illness.

Trade data

Location Buy Sell
Levski, Delamar 18
R&R ARC-L1 18.11
Area18, ArcCorp 19.25
Humboldt Mines, Lyria 18.01
Loveridge Mineral Reserve, Lyria 18.11
Paradise Cove, Lyria 17.96
Shubin Mining Facility SAL-2, Lyria 19.25
Shubin Mining Facility SAL-5, Lyria 18.91
ArcCorp Mining Area 056, Wala 18.69
ArcCorp Mining Area 061, Wala 18.81
ArcCorp Mining Area 045, Wala 18.11
ArcCorp Mining Area 048, Wala 18.11
R&R CRU-L1 17.81
R&R CRU-L4 18.1
R&R CRU-L5 18.1
Port Olisar, Crusader 17.04
Gallete Family Farms, Cellin 17.65
Hickes Research Outpost, Cellin 16.61
Terra Mills HydroFarm, Cellin 17.58
Tram & Myers Mining, Cellin 17.53
ArcCorp Mining Area 141, Daymar 17.88
Bountiful Harvest Hydroponics, Daymar 17.69
Kudre Ore, Daymar 17.56
Shubin Mining Facility SCD-1, Daymar 17.57
ArcCorp Mining Area 157, Yela 17.53
Benson Mining Outpost, Yela 17.56
Deakins Research Outpost, Yela 17.36
GrimHEX, Yela 17.77
Jumptown, Yela 18.05
HDMS-Edmond, Hurston 18.1
HDMS-Hadley, Hurston 18.1
HDMS-Oparei, Hurston 18.1
HDMS-Pinewood, Hurston 18.1
HDMS-Stanhope, Hurston 18.1
HDMS-Thedus, Hurston 18.1
R&R HUR-L3 18.1
R&R HUR-L4 18.1
R&R HUR-L5 18.1
Lorville, Hurston 19.21
HDMS-Anderson, Aberdeen 18.1
HDMS-Norgaard, Aberdeen 18.1
HDMS-Bezdec, Arial 18.1
HDMS-Lathan, Arial 19.25
HDMS-Ryder, Ita 18.1
HDMS-Woodruff, Ita 18.11
HDMS-Hahn, Magda 18.1
HDMS-Perlman, Magda 18.1
